Payment methods

Payment for Products purchased on the Site can be made using the payment methods described in the following paragraphs. Some payment methods may not be usable due to the type of Product purchased and/or the delivery or shipping method.

9.1 Worldline service, credit cards and other permitted payment methods

9.1.1 The credit cards accepted are, in any case, indicated in the links of the Worldline service. The Total Amount due by the user to Alberti S.r.l. shall be debited at the time the order is transmitted.

9.1.2 Alberti S.r.l. uses the Wordline secure payment service. The confidential data of the credit card (card number, holder, expiry date, security code) will be uploaded on the site of the payment provider. Alberti S.r.l. therefore never has access to and does not store the data of the payment methods used by the user.

9.2 Bank transfer

9.2.1 Payment for the Products purchased on the Site can be made by bank transfer. The bank details for making the bank transfer will be indicated on the “Payments” page accessible through a special link and in the order confirmation e-mail.

9.2.2 Payment of the Products by bank transfer must be made within and no later than 7 calendar days from the date of the order. If this deadline elapses unsuccessfully, the contract may be deemed to be rescinded by right, with the consequent reimbursement of the total amount due that may have been paid late. The termination of the contract shall be communicated to the user by e-mail and the amount paid refunded in the same manner as set forth in Article 5.4, to the extent applicable.

9.2.3 In case of payment by bank transfer, the shipment of the products will be carried out only after the crediting on value date at the bank of Alberti S.r.l.. Consequently, the delivery terms of the Products shall run from such date.

9.2.4 To facilitate the connection between the payment received by bank transfer and the order placed, the customer is requested to indicate the order number in the reason for the bank transfer.